Friday, December 11, 2009

New web sites from LaCross

This list of web sites comes from Sister Avis Sorensen from LaCross. I haven’t had a chance to check them out but they did ten of each of the Beautiful Bees, Acorn Addition, Apple color match and Watermelon number match. The price for each depends on which games you choose to use. The apple match was the least expensive at under $4, & the Acorn Addition & Beautiful Bees the most expensive because there are more pages to color copy and more velcro dots to use. (we did the Beautiful Bees, Acorn Addition & Apple Color Match) (Watermelon number match) (number shape match, birdhouse shape match & others are
appropriate) (I love math, shape matching)

Monday, October 26, 2009

URLS for help

Below you can find ideas for file folder games. You can use them for color recognition, math facts and shapes. Just use your imagination and put your own twist on them. We would like to encourage all of the women, 12 years and older to make at least one file folder to sent to Salt Lake for our humanitarian project this year. Plan some day and evening activities, bring your own supplies and have a great visit, while you work together to make these file games.

Here are three web sites you can go into that may help you with ideas. There are many more to search out. This is where I got my information for the templates I have.


Sun Shapes and colors


tree with fruit


You can use this one for color's, make different shape baloons for color choices. You could also use it for math facts.

Caterpillar template

Sunday, October 25, 2009


I hope that this blog will help all of us as we begin our file folder games. I think that it will be a fun project this year.